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Eduardo Argueta

Since I was a little kid I’ve faced many struggles involving adaptations to new places. As a kid I was not able to get along with others very well. As I grew up, my situation started to get better but at the age of 14 I moved from El Salvador to the United States. Everything looked a lot bigger when I got here and it was really hard to adapt given that I did not speak the language and many of the people from my country would make offensive comments about my accent when attempting to speak English. At the age of 15 I moved to California where I met many amazing friend who treated me the way I had never been treated before, this contributed to make my adaptation much easier and helped me develop my language skills. As an artist, I have been affected by the struggles in my life and those struggles inspire my work in a positive manner because they have taught me to fight for what I believe, be real to myself, be always positive and always carry a smile in my face. In my work, I like to show the ray of light that always reaches the darkest places using nature to represent innocence that has made me naive in many situations of my life as well as light to represent the people who I can always reach for advice. In my work, I also like going beyond the boundaries of what is possible in our universe as a symbol to remind myself that there is nothing unachievable.

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